Oldest and Youngest SD Govs: Now on the Online Almanac

Added today to the Online Almanac of South Dakota Politics: a ranked list of South Dakota governors by age at the time they took office, from oldest to youngest. The page also calculates each governor’s age at the time of departing office.

The state’s youngest was Richard F. Kneip, who was 37 years old when he took office in 1971 (just two days before his 38th birthday). His wife, Nancy, was also the state’s youngest First Lady; she was just 33 years old when her husband was sworn in.

The state’s oldest governor was Walter Dale Miller, who was 67 years old when he succeeded to the governor’s office upon the death of George S. Mickelson. Miller is also the oldest governor at any point in a term, as he was 69 years old when he left office in 1995.

The oldest elected governor was Warren E. Green; he was 61 when he took office in 1931.

Read more, and see the entire list, at the Online Almanac’s new page.